Ubox series product and Firmware Warning!

Recently, we have received some reports back to us that their Uboxes were damaged not long after receiving them. After investigating them, we have found that most of the damages are linked to the uncorrected firmware upgrading.This article is the guide to deal with the firmware of the Uboxes.


  • Preface
  • Warning
  • Uboxes ' firmware name and rule
  • VESC tool and firmware version
  • How to update firmware to ubox correctly
  • How to change the firmware to VESC original 75 300 or 100 250?
  • How to save my ubox if updating wrong firmware?
  • Recent feedback issues and plan
  • Ubox firmware for download


When we started the Spintend, the first product we designed was targeting the V6 grade dual ESC without DRV8302. Benefited by the low material cost, and the new 75 300 project at that time, we adopted the excellent MOSFETs and drivers with 75 300 HW design principles. The design result was a surprise. We are not fast learner, the market and the money in our pocket did not allow us to have much time to maturing a single version. The Uboxes have two fields in changing: The VDD and the MCU IO.

The evolution of Ubox

Except for above change, we limit the ubox current to make sure it's used under hardware spec. 

2. Warning

  • Do not update the default firmware when prompted on the VEST tool, both PC and mobile edition, use Custom File mode instead.
    Update firmware via custom file window
  • When update in Custom File mode, make sure the firmware is correct with it’s hardware.

    For example, the Ubox V2 100V firmware can not be used to update into Ubox V2 75V, so do the other firmware, such as 48, 60, HD 60 and so on.

    hardware list in vesc tool firmware

    3.Ubox firmware name rule

    Ubox V2 75v dual motor controller: VESC_Ubox_V2_75V_100A_FW5.3.bin

    Ubox V2 100v dual motor controller: VESC_Ubox_V2_100V_100A_FW5.3.bin

    75v single ubox : VESC_UBOX_Single_75_100A_FW5.3.bin

    Ubox V1 dual motor controller:



    Above name rule is same to other version of firmware, eg 5.2firmware

    Ubox V2 75v dual motor controller: VESC_Ubox_V2_75V_100A_FW5.2.bin

    4.VESC tool and firmware version

    The version of VESC tool and VESC firmware is not same, they have different versions.

     5.2 firmware is workable with 3.00 VESC tool. and 5.3 firmware is workable with 3.01 VESC tool, the version of VESC tool mobile edition is as same as PC edition.

     Don’t mix it to use the tool.

    5. How to update firmware to Ubox correctly?

    Suggest using VESC tool in PC, if you are using VESC tool mobile, please make sure do not update the default Firmware the tool prompted.

    Example for VESC tool PC edition:

    Step1: Connect Ubox in PC VESC tool

    Update firmware : step1 connect in vesc tool
    Step2:  Click firmware, then custom file, choose corresponding correct bin file. Then upload it.
    update firmware: step2 custom file

    Reminds: check bin file name in above Conten3 before you uploading.

    Step3: Click arrow down, uploading. 

    Step3 : update on going

    6. How to change the firmware to VESC original 75 300 or 100 250?

    In prudence, we claim the nominal current of Uboxes are within 100A, however, some users are giving Uboxes more exaptation, they want to run at higher current, and want to try the original 75 300 R2 or 100 250 firmware.

    Let’s take 75 300 R2 as example:

    Step1, we need a 75 300 R2 binary file update into Ubox, to let VESC tool to recognize it as 75 300 R2 hardware. This binary file can be found in this place:


    This file is just for change the firmware’s identify, do not use it directly. Because this link is in frequent updating by developers.

    Step2, Still through Custom File mode to update a 75 300 R2 binary file into Ubox V2 75V.

    Then you can use the VESC tool the version you like it to update its firmware by VESC tool’s recognition.

    Note: Double Check the firmware name with your Ubox’s hardware, incorrect firmware will cause damage.

    7. How to save my ubox if updating wrong firmware?

    If you accidently update default firmware in vesc tool (before 6.00 version firmware), then DON'T DO MOTOR FOC DETECTION. Just remove motor connections, update correct firmware to ubox, it still can work normally. If you already did FOC detection on motor, then it may alreay damage Ubox, there is no easy way to save it . 

    8Recent market feedback issue for Ubox V2:

    8.1 ABS over current error in Ubox v2 with 5.3 firmware

    a.Check your motor current setting, make it in spec, over spec usage will cause this error

    b.The Ubox v2(both 75v and 100v ) shipped after 2022/4/28 arecut in relative solution may ease this problem , but we still shipped with 5.2 firmware, if user want to test in 5.3, welcome your feedback.

    c.All version of ubox using 5.3 firmware, set following this can ease the problem.(Comparing with 5.2 firmware, 5.3 firmware default turn off the )

    ABS over current error in 5.3firmware

    If it still happens ABS over current, try this setting in : FOC

    FOC setting

      8.2.Some burn case in Ubox v2.

      We investigate with customers and verified at least 3 people update wrong firmware or wrong way to update firmware to cause burn case, we highly attention on such kind of failure, still sincerely suggest user to use fuse between ESC and battery for protection no matter what VESC do you use.

      In near future, we will cut in our own fuse in Ubox before shipping. And the fuse is also for retail, please add it in your VESC.
      We will submit our ubox source code to VESC source code base, the vesc tool will recognize our hardware version. It will be valid in next firmware version.


      9. Ubox firmware can be downloaded from here

      Ubox V1 75V 

      Ubox V2 75V 

      Ubox V2 100V 

      Single Ubox 75V

      Single Ubox 100V




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