Enjoy Riding
Let e-riding to be safe, to be funny , to be unique!

DIY your onewheel board
It includes all necessary parts you need, including motors, vesc, and adapter for FSR wiring for onewheel. More options of DIY board groups for your preference.
Power range: 600W---3000W

DIY Beast Scooter
It includes two types :
Single motor control , motor power range : 2800W-6000W
Dual motor motor control
Motor power range: double of 2800W-6000W

DIY Racing Electric Skateboard
Two motor drive skateboard, strong power
Street board or Racing board choose your stlye
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Why Choose Spintend Product?
If you're a newbie to build electric skateboard or upgrdade your electric scooter, or experienced DIYer still keep skeptical to Spintend, please read more in esk8 forum, see what's their comments on Ubox and Uni1 or others.