Here is record of Ubox V2 75V models, since it's replaced by Ubox V2.1 .
Ubox V2 75V controller includes 2 models:
- Ubox V2 75V 100Ax2 J (red one)
- Ubox V2 75V 100Ax2 (Purple one)
They both have following features , and a little difference.
1. Technical Data:
- Voltage : 12-75V (peak voltage should be less more than 80V)
- Current : Max 100A/channel, the dual max 200A
- 12V output: Max 3A(the fan , horn and lights share this current)
- 5V output : Max output 500mA
- Switch button: current Max 15mA
- Size and weight: 129 x 83x27mm (including screw)/ 396g
- Cables: Motor cable: 12AWG 12cm / Battery Cable: 10AWG 12cm
2. Design Features
Inculde internal 2.4Ghz receiver, wireless conenction with Uni1 remote.
3. The Difference between two models
J version optimized and strengthen circuit protection (Now it's also cut in purple ubox)
- Add Hall circuit protection clamp Diode
- Add TVS(5V) to surpress spike on 5V circuit
- Add TVS(78V) to surpress bus input spike
Used different MOSFET.
- J version used 100V mosfet
- Standard version used 80V mosfet
- Below is their test data difference.
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