Why my Bluetooth can’t be connected with ubox correctly? Trouble shooting

Here're normal symptom that happens when you connect BT with ubox 

  1. Connection time out         Solution: Click scan bluetooth again.
           Scan connection
    1. Couldn’t read firmware versionVESC APP couldn't read firmware version

           If you happen to have such reported error, here is solutions: 

    Step1: Check both your mobile app version is same with your Ubox firmware version . See picture

              Check mobile app version

     Step2: Check wiring and port :

    Most of our ubox support both NRF and UART port to hook with bluetooth module. If it can’t work in NRF port, then try to hook it in UART port. And our bluetooth module comes with 2types cables, see picture. The 4Pin head is for NRF port, and 8pin head is for UART port

    spintend bluetooth module

    Step3 :  If your ubox is  dual ubox v2 + Spintend bluetooth

    If you already check it in step2, and your bluetooth is in NRF port, please double check if the NRF indication light on blue ? if no light on , it means the bluetooth is in idle status , then need to quick click power button 3 or 4 times to assign the NRF signal given by ESCA side or ESCB. You can refer to this explanation video for UBOX v2 NRF port function.


    Lastly, if you are using Ubox with  other brand bluetooth module.

    make sure the wiring connection is :

    Spintend ubox NRF port or UART port,     Other brand Bluetooth

      5v               ------>              5V

                                      GND              ------>              GND

                                         TX              ------>               RX

                                          RX             ------>               TX


    After reading above symptom and solutions, do you solve your problem? 


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