VESC tool and UBOX firmware Collections

Higlight: Please download latest vesc tool in

Considering to provide convinience for users, here is list collection for historical vesc tool and ubox firmware!

Part1: VESC Tool

Version 2.06 (5.1FW)

Version 3.0(5.2FW)

Version 3.01(5.3FW)



Version 6.05(6.05FW)

Part2:Ubox Fimware

All Ubox model FW of different version can be downloaded from github.

Explanation on the file name for each model, see followinig picture

Ubox_Single_100 includes model:
    Single Ubox 100V 100A controller 
    Single Ubox Alum Lite 100V 100A controller
    Dual Ubox Alum Lite 100V 100A controller
      Ubox_Single_80 for model:

        Single Ubox Alum 85V 150A (or 80v 100A) Controller

        Ubox_Single_85_200 for model

          Single Ubox Alum 85V 250A (or 80v 200A) Controller

          Ubox_V2_75 includes model:
            Dual Ubox V2 75V 100A x2 Controller J
            Dual Ubox V2 75V 100A x2 Controller (Purple)

              Part 3: Boot loader

              Before update firmware, please update the generic bootloader firstly.
              it's in vesc tool, directly update it. 

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